
Get Building with Block Pop’s Amazing Transitions for FCP

Written by Published in User Guide

Did you ever play with blocks as a kid? Well, now you can play with blocks while you work with Block Pop.

Block pop adds tons of unique transitions to your FCP editing prowess, letting you turn your videos into the stuff of legends…one block at a time. This is the Final Cut Pro transitions plugin you’ve been dreaming of!

What is Block Pop?

Block Pop takes transitions to the next level with 46 highly customizable block transitions for FCP.

The gist of Block Pop is very simple – take two clips, add Block Pop, and watch as the first clip morphs seamlessly and effortlessly into the second video, looking cool as a cucumber in the process.

With diagonal blocks, vertical thirds, quadrants, and more complex layouts that can only be described as Rubix Cube-esque, Block Pop is perfect for anyone who wishes Lego made Final Cut Pro plugins.

Sometimes, standard transitions are enough. For everything else, there’s Block Pop. Check out the beginning of this clip to see how one customer used Block Pop to kick off a sweet dance video:

Why Block Pop?

Besides fans of right angles, Block Pop is perfect for anyone who:

  1. Doesn’t have the time to spend learning complex techniques or the money to burn on expensive freelancers
  2. Craves top-tier quality without the top-tier price tag
  3. Really, really wants to avoid the hassle of complicated tools and other unintuitive plugins

Frankly, I use Block Pop in my projects because it looks really cool. Sometimes that’s enough of a reason 😉

Watch this video for more great uses of slick block transitions, this time in the form of a walkthrough for Facebook ads:

Installing and using Block Pop is unbelievably easy

Block Pop lives in Stupid Raisins, the awesome (and free) platform where you can find all of my plugins. Once you’ve installed Stupid Raisins, be sure to grab your free download of my Block Pop demo!

When you fall in love with Block Pop, the full version is just a click away. In fact, you can get it straight from Stupid Raisins. Look for Block Pop in Transitions, category name “Block Pop”.

To use Block Pop, all you have to do is drag the transition between two clips.

Yes, really. After that, the power of professional transitions is in your hands. Use it wisely!

About Dylan Higginbotham

Hey there. I'm Dylan Higginbotham, and I'm pretty dang obsessed with Final Cut Pro X plugins. Subscribe below because I love giving away free plugins and contributing great content.

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