
Rotating Tile Transitions Made Easy with Tile Pop

Written by Published in User Guide

Tile Pop—just one of those simple fcpx plugins that does exactly what it says in the name. No frills, no gimmicks, no cost…that’s right. Tile Pop is totally free. In fact it is one of many free fcpx plugins you can find here on Stupid Raisins.

Watch this quick video to see Tile Pop in action:

Why use Tile Pop?

Tile Pop makes it easy to add simple (but aesthetic) rotating tile transitions to your FCPX videos without wasting time figuring out how to do it yourself. Plus, now you won’t need to hire a freelancer for an expensive one-off job just to add transitions to your video.

Even though Tile Pop is free, its transitions look high-quality and lend the perfect look to your video.

And even better, Stupid Raisins plugins are some of the easiest, most user-friendly FCP plugins in the world—including Tile Pop.

Tile Pop is easy to install and use

To get your free copy of Tile Pop, just click this link and you’re off to the races. After the download is finished, add the plugin to FCP. Then, it’s just a matter of dragging Tile Pop into your video timeline and you’ll be able to witness firsthand the amazing effects of quality tile transitions!

It really couldn’t be easier!

About Dylan Higginbotham

Hey there. I'm Dylan Higginbotham, and I'm pretty dang obsessed with Final Cut Pro X plugins. Subscribe below because I love giving away free plugins and contributing great content.

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