
Make Awesome Animated Sidebar Logos and Templates with Side Pop

Would you rather not spend time creating custom sidebars for your videos from scratch? You’re in good company—that was exactly my line of thinking when I made Side Pop. Take a look at the video below by TechCrunch to see just how awesome sidebar content can look. Then, read on to find out how totally […]

Become a Final Cut Pro Hero with Comic Pop

Looking for an awesome way to add more energy and action to your commercials, business videos, sports videos, wedding videos…basically, anything? Let me introduce you to my friend Comic Pop…at least, that’s his name by day. You can do this with one of the best plugins for Final Cut Pro to ever grace this universe! […]

Create Killer Copycat Movie Titles with Movie Pop

Want to give your project the silver screen treatment, but don’t have a 500-million-dollar budget, access to a Hollywood backlot or a warehouse full of equipment? No problem. That’s what Movie Pop was made for. Just take a look at one of our customer-created movie trailers to see exactly what I’m talking about: What is […]

Spice Up Your Videos with Snap Pop’s Animated Shapes and Elements

Ever wanted to add a totally unique but subtle look to your videos in just a few seconds? Well, me too. That’s why I made Snap Pop. Snap Pop lets you use tons of unique elements and shapes to add personal flair to your project, accenting crucial bits in a fun and dynamic way. Check […]

Craft Awesome Logo Animations with Logo Pop

Are you getting tired of lackluster logos in your Final Cut Pro videos? I was, too. That’s why I made Logo Pop—the easiest way to take your static, flat logo and turn it into something eye-popping. Something they’ll write about in the history books, even. Check out this video to see exactly what I mean […]

Ratchet Up Your Video’s Appeal in a Flash with Fast Pop

Need great transitions and blur effects for your videos, but aren’t looking for anything too dramatic or drawn out? Need a FCP transitions plugin to help out? I did too. That’s how I came up with Fast Pop—the perfect Final Cut Pro plugin adding zippy, cool transitions to your projects. Is there a correlation between […]

Create Truly Iconic Videos with Icon Pop

Icons? Can’t you make those yourself? Well, sure. Making one icon for your video will probably take you at least an hour. Want two icons? That’s two hours. But what about a hundred icons at your fingertips…for zero hours? Now we’re talking. Icon Pop is the easiest way to add eye-popping animated icons to your […]

Finally, Easy Layouts in FCP with Grid Pop

Anyone who’s tried to arrange, well, anything in Final Cut Pro has discovered one of the program’s biggest issues: FCP has NO tools to help arrange, distribute or align video clips. And that’s no bueno. But with Grid Pop, what once was a Herculean task can now be accomplished with one simple plugin and a […]

Transform Boring 2D Font into Stunning 3D with Text Pop

In Final Cut Pro videos, flat text sticks out like a sore thumb. Nothing degrades the quality of your project quite like the contrast between stunning visuals and boring text. But that doesn’t mean we should exclude text altogether. Instead, why don’t we upgrade your words to the same level of excellence as the rest […]

Capture the Perfect Clip with YouTube Capture

Ever wanted to give clips a cool YouTube Capture effect…without actually using YouTube Capture? This is what I’m talking about: Simple, unique, effective—that’s how all Final Cut Pro plugins should operate. Why YouTube Capture? The YouTube Capture app was released by Google to let users quickly and easily capture and edit videos on the go, […]